How to Make the Most of Your Long Weekend: Tips and Tricks

7 months ago

How to Make the Most of Your Long Weekend: Tips and Tricks

From January to December, several long weekends fall near public holidays, making it the perfect time for short trips. Feel free to visit our homepage to find out when these holidays occur and how long they last. Long weekends are breaks that are at least three days long, as they include one or more days before or after a public holiday. So, don't miss out on a 3-day weekend (or more)! With so much time off, you have a great opportunity to plan a wonderful brief vacation anywhere in the country.

To facilitate your mastery of these hallowed weekends and the festal moments adorning the American calendar, we have meticulously compiled a compendium of all such prolonged interludes scattered throughout the chronological tapestry. With this knowledge as your compass, you may meticulously orchestrate your concise soirees with judicious foresight.

Whether your aspirations incline toward a romantic escapade with an amorous companion or an immersion in nature's bosom alongside your familial cohort, a long weekend sallying forth bids you the opportunity to traverse uncharted vistas, luxuriate in repose, and surrender to serenity.


Planning for a Long Weekend

The elongated weekends, an oasis in the arid desert of our routine existence, beckon the muse of wanderlust within. For many, it begets the notion of embarking upon a novel odyssey, perhaps even succumbing to the whimsy of an impromptu pilgrimage to an unexplored enclave. While these expeditions may not ordinarily demand meticulous orchestration, there exist a couple of salient considerations that one should not relegate to oblivion in their preparations.

These sagacious recommendations shall serve as your vanguard, bestowing insights into the gamut of experiences one might encounter during a protracted weekend sojourn. They shall also illuminate the pitfalls frequented by the masses, as well as equip you to savor your voyage in full measure, even in the throes of congestion.


  • Expect Crowds

Just as you harbor ambitions of crafting a transcendent weekend soiree, hordes of fellow wayfarers harbor similar aspirations. Hence, it behooves you to anticipate extended queues, beaches bustling to the brink, and activities that bear the "fully booked" imprimatur during these frenetic holiday interludes. If the cacophony of throngs does not align with your predilections, or if solitude is the elixir you seek, prudence dictates the need for meticulous premeditation to navigate these crowded waters.

Visualize, if you will, the sun's resplendent debut on the New Year's Eve horizon, casting its luminous embrace upon Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, yet the shoreline persists in its state of ceaseless effervescence! Contemplate the reasons that impel your choice of destination. Unless your inclinations bear an intensely personal and unique hue, it is plausible that a multitude of others share your aspirations.

Next, contemplate the stratagems that might outwit the competition in the quest for optimal bargains and activities or, more judiciously, for evading the madding crowd. The solutions will invariably diverge contingent upon your chosen trajectory, but the virtual realm, a wellspring of wisdom, stands ready to proffer its counsel.


  • Try to Book Most Things in Advance

Anticipatory acumen, when contemplating an odyssey to foreign climes or domestic domains during a holiday maelstrom, is an endeavor imbued with sagacity. To wit, premeditate, and execute the comprehensive booking of all facets of your expedition, including aeronautical conveyance, lodgings, and the immersive diversions that beckon.

Should your sojourn be confined within the territorial bounds of your homeland, you shall oft unearth more modestly priced airfare if reservations are consummated one or two lunar cycles antecedent to your chosen date of transit. For sojourns beyond the nation's confines, the astute traveler avails themselves of the opportunity to book approximately three lunar cycles prior.

Are you infused with enthusiasm for indulgence in popular activities at your designated destination? In this regard, it constitutes an astute course of action to secure reservations several weeks anterior to your embarkation. Contemplate, for instance, the feasibility of procuring online tickets if the occasion warrants a ferry ride. This stratagem shall furnish immunity against last-minute vexations and the specter of unavailability.

Even in the eventuality of your discovery that the sought-after activities remain bound within the confines of the "fully booked" rubric, despondency is unwarranted. It is prudent to petition for inclusion upon their waiting roster. Instances exist wherein providence has smiled upon the perturbed traveler, with last-minute cancellations granting access to coveted experiences. In such fortuitous turnabouts, the voyage is enriched for all stakeholders.


  • Beware of Holiday Surcharges and Minimum Stays

Vigilance must be employed when navigating the labyrinth of ancillary fees accompanying accommodations, as well as the stipulated minimum duration of stay during peak holiday junctures. A plethora of hostels, hotels, and, in particular, Vrbo, may exact sojourns spanning 2, 3, 5, or other durations during periods of heightened festivity.

This phenomenon manifests prominently in the realm of Airbnb as well, an eminent platform for unearthing lodgings, recreations, and epicurean delights at your destination. The choice to reside in abodes often affords cost-efficiency relative to hotels and, frequently, imparts an authentic immersion in local culture and fosters camaraderie, a fact that regrettably eludes hotels.

Furthermore, bear in mind that certain dining establishments may proffer their menu offerings at double the standard rates during major holidays. To illustrate, in the beguiling environs of Rio de Janeiro, dining establishments boast a penchant for heightening their price points during the Carnival season. The surcharges during this gala may ascend to quadruple the customary tariff for equivalent fare, especially in the vicinity of seaside dining establishments.


  • Try to Beat or Overstay the Crowds

If circumstances permit, would you entertain the prospect of imbuing flexibility into your itinerary? Could you perhaps commence your sojourn a day or two antecedent to the protracted weekend's inception? Conversely, might you contemplate extending your sojourn until the advent of Tuesday or even Wednesday? The augmentation of this singular day or two can manifest as a veritable metamorphosis, effectively shielding you from the throngs that typically congregate.

Thus, you shall revel in the serene expanse of the beach, embark upon your kayaking odyssey, or traverse the hiking trail, all sans the ceaseless throng of fellow travelers. It would be prudent to earmark the quintessential tourist activities for that supplementary day or two, either preceding or succeeding the holiday weekend, a time when the multitude shall be in conspicuous abeyance. Preserve the more esoteric or secluded exploits for the weekend's culmination.


  • Go to a Non-holiday Place

While the occasion may hold eminence in the annals of the United States, it might be bereft of such distinction in locales such as the Dominican Republic, Mexico, or Spain. Peruse the calendar with circumspection to ascertain if any foreign destination that piques your interest is likewise enmeshed in a festivity during the aforementioned weekend. In the absence of such synchronicity, why not entertain the possibility of directing your travels hitherward?

Cyber platforms like Skyscanner and Kayak proffer the convenience of perusing flights from your city to "everywhere" or perusing multiple urban centers concurrently. In this manner, you may discern which overseas enclave might proffer the most economical airfare commensurate with the specific weekend in question.

The boon of journeying to an overseas enclave during their customary weekend is the attendant exemption from the ostensible price hike typical of the holiday season, particularly when said season aligns with their off-peak period, characterized by even further moderation of expenditures. Ultimately, this stratagem may prove to be more fiscally judicious.

It is incumbent upon us to acknowledge the perspicacity of airline operators who remain astute to the rhythms of travel trends. Ergo, if a holiday weekend dawns in the United States, their acumen informs them of the escalated footfall, often leading to a commensurate escalation in airfare. Ergo, the prudence of adhering to a malleable travel calendar, contemplating departure a day or two antecedent or after the aforementioned holiday, as previously stipulated.


  • Do Something Different

Certain holiday weekends bequeath a panoply of customary pursuits. By way of illustration, the 4th of July witnesses the multitude flocking to the beachfront. Thanksgiving, in its essence, epitomizes familial togetherness within the confines of one's abode, whilst Memorial Day lends itself to the observance of parades.

However, why not kindle a spirit of deviation and eschew the expected throngs? If the majority sets their compass for the seaside, might you instead entertain the notion of ascending a mountain or embarking upon an expedition through nature's bounty? If the holiday does not coincide with the zenith of beachfront revelry, perhaps you might contemplate a sojourn by the shore, where the sandy expanse and oceanic vista await your contemplation. Alternately, the prospect of embarking on a vehicular sojourn, traversing quaint townships, presents itself as an enticing divergence.

Indeed, an array of avenues exists to extricate oneself from the madding crowd, enabling an indelible holiday experience that bears the veneer of familiarity while concealing within it a tantalizing twist. One must summon their creative faculties and traverse uncharted pathways of imagination.


  • Consider an Alternative Plan

Picture, if you will, the scenario wherein you alight upon a pristine, placid beachscape, only to be confronted by a phalanx of sun-worshippers. This scenario belies the tranquility you sought, compelling consideration of neighboring, less frequented coastal enclaves.


7+ Activities During Long Weekend


1. Traveling to Nearby Cities

Deliberate embarking on an excursion to visit acquaintances and kinfolk in a neighboring metropolis. This can prove to be an enjoyable and economically prudent manner to while away your protracted weekend, particularly if lodging can be arranged within your social circle. Extend your reach to the closest confidants and kindred spirits, inquiring whether they can extend their hospitality for the weekend's duration. You might wish to proffer a thoughtful token of appreciation or propose covering the expenses for a collective outing as a gesture of gratitude for your sojourn.


2. Road Trips vs. Air Travel

Delve into a contemplation of the advantages intrinsic to undertaking a vehicular odyssey versus embarking on an airborne journey. Typically, brief road sojourns emerge as an astute selection for optimizing the elongated weekend, for they grant a greater expanse of temporal luxury to revel in your chosen destination. Conversely, if your ambitions gravitate towards locales farther afield, the act of aviation may prove the wiser course.

To facilitate an informed choice, scrutinize the tariffs of airfare and the expenses associated with automotive propulsion to discern which alternative confers a greater fiscal advantage. Be vigilant for special promotions concerning flights to designated locales. In the event of the shared expedition with companions, convene to deliberate on their predilections and potential diversions along the itinerary in the event of halts during your protracted road sojourn.


3. Inviting Friends and Exploring Your Hometown

Are you keen on convening with comrades but precluded from domiciliary accommodations? Fret not, for the possibility of social communion persists. Simply extend an invitation for an afternoon rendezvous or propose a convivial repast. While you tarry within your domicile environs, do not omit to solicit their counsel on leisure pursuits. Should your financial resources permit, contemplate reserving accommodations at a hostelry and encompassing your travel expenditures.

To secure a seamless sojourn during the elongated weekend, proactively secure your travel and lodging arrangements in advance. Subsequently, immerse yourself in the escapade, savoring each fleeting instant. In the interest of brevity, it is judicious to depart as early as feasible on Friday evening and to prolong your return until the twilight hours of Sunday.


4. Exploring Nearby Cities

Embark upon an expedition to a contiguous municipality for a superlative weekend escapade. It is superfluous to traverse prodigious distances in quest of merriment! Engage in a brief road expedition to a neighboring urban or rural enclave proximate to your abode. Whether it be a bustling metropolis or a quaint hamlet, an array of diverting activities awaits your indulgence. Should a major municipality be situated within proximity, such as Austin, New Orleans, Atlanta, Boulder, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, Houston, Miami Beach, Philadelphia, San Diego, San Francisco, or New York, mull over the prospect of exploring its offerings.

Nevertheless, in the event of an absence of a major municipality in the immediate vicinity, desist from despair; even within a diminutive town, revelry can be encountered. Partake in culinary delights at indigenous eateries, explore bucolic parks, and patronize local emporiums. Endeavor to unearth unique lodgings, dining establishments, and pursuits that shall render your expedition indelible. It is advisable to strategize visits to these distinctive venues within the selected municipality of your weekend interlude.


5. Overnight Adventures in the City

In instances of overnight sojourns, direct your attention to boutique hostelries distinguished by idiosyncratic offerings or elect accommodations facilitated by Airbnb to immerse yourself in the tapestry of local culture. For culinary forays, consult online resources to identify the most modish taverns and bistros within your chosen urban destination. The possibility of exploring teahouses, food truck enclaves, or epicurean establishments that proffer fusion cuisine may engender your curiosity.

Peruse the municipal website for an exposé of weekend-specific functions and spectacles. Additionally, acquaint yourself with the urbanity's preeminent attractions, encompassing museums, to extract the utmost from your visit. For a compendium of engaging diversions during the Labor Day weekend, a catalog can be perused here.


6. Hiking and Camping Exploits

Endeavor forth on a hike or camping expedition when the climate is clement and the firmament unclouded. Nature's embrace fosters relaxation and satiates the yearning for adventure. Outline a ramble within a neighboring park or Sylvan precinct. In the event of an inclination towards camping, secure a campsite reservation, assemble your camping paraphernalia, and extend an invitation to compatriots to partake in this outing.

Should you elect camping, verify the dimensions of your tent to accommodate all assembled participants. In temperate climes, spring and autumn proffer the optimal window for hiking and camping endeavors. Conversely, in cooler locales, late spring, summer, and early autumn emerge as the season of predilection for open-air pursuits.


7. Shoreline and Lakeside Merriment

Devote your weekend to the beach or a lakeshore idyll on a radiant, balmy day. A sojourn at the shoreline embodies an instantaneous vacation. Provided the meteorological conditions comport favorably, no venue surpasses the aquatic environs. Equip yourself with swimwear, blankets, towels, and a repast hamper, and luxuriate in an entire day by the beach or lakeshore.


8. Unveiling National Parkland

Set forth to explore a state or national park during spring, summer, or autumn. National parks bestow an opportunity to bask near natural marvels and indigenous fauna, offering a singular encounter. Ascertain the nearest national park to your coordinates. Scrutinize their operational hours and procure entry passes as necessitated. On the day of your visit, don comfortable attire sturdy walking footwear, and tote hydration along. Illustratively, you may choose to explore Rocky Mountain National Park or Yellowstone National Park.


9. Wintry Adventure (Skiing) 

In the event of inclement weather, chart a skiing expedition to mountainous terrain. Sojourning in the mountains entails thrilling escapades and an idyllic interlude by the hearth. During frigid climes, a sojourn amidst the mountains may constitute your quintessential elongated weekend escapade. Secure abbreviated lodging at a mountain lodge or ski resort and allocate your leisure hours to traversing the snow-clad slopes.


Enjoy Local Activities

Spend an afternoon at the park. Parks are enjoyable because they have playgrounds, walking paths, and beautiful natural surroundings. Head to your local park for a picnic, games, or a leisurely walk. Make it even more enjoyable by inviting your friends and family to join you!

Experiment with different cuisines by dining at a restaurant you've never been to before. Trying new food is a fun way to add variety to your life without traveling far from home. Choose a restaurant you haven't visited yet or one that offers a wide range of dishes. Then, order something you wouldn't typically try. If your town has limited dining options, consider ordering a different dish from your favorite restaurant.

Here are some activities you might want to consider:

  • Bring along some board games and enjoy them at a picnic table or on a blanket.
  • Have a friendly game of soccer or kickball.
  • Explore a nearby winery or brewery.
  • Take a leisurely walk by a local waterfront area.
  • Pay a visit to the zoo.
  • Participate in a painting class.
  • Get into a casual game of baseball.
  • Create colorful drawings on the sidewalk using chalk if it's allowed.
  • Engage in a game of badminton.
  • Try your hand at mini-golf.
  • Enjoy a game of bowling.
  • Go on a tour of a local museum.

Look out for local events taking place over the weekend. You never know what enjoyable activities are happening until you take a look! There might be a movie screening, a farmers' market, a festival, or something else going on in your town that you never knew about—and a long weekend is the perfect time to give it a try. To discover entertaining events in your town, check out community boards where people can put up flyers about what's going on. You can often find these boards in cafes, libraries, supermarkets, or public buildings.


Recreational Hobbies

Spend your extra time enjoying a hobby. Sometimes, your busy week at school or work can make it tough to do the things you love. A long weekend is just the right time to dive into your favorite pastime. Set aside a few hours over the weekend to indulge in your hobbies. For example, you can:

  • Knit a scarf.
  • Paint something.
  • Build a birdhouse or a shelf.
  • Write a short story.
  • Play a game.
  • Practice the guitar.
  • Create your bath products.
  • Read a captivating book.
  • Solve puzzles.
  • Watch a TV show or movie marathon.


Time with Friends and Family

If you want, you can ask a friend or family member to join you for a movie marathon. Cook a delicious meal for your loved ones. Sharing a meal with the people you care about is a wonderful way to create memories, unwind, and remind yourself of what truly matters. Invite friends and family over to your place for lunch or dinner. Then, whip up a tasty meal or have everyone bring their favorite dishes.

For instance, if the weather's nice, you can organize a picnic or a barbecue outdoors. On a chilly day, prepare a large pot of chili or gumbo to share with your loved ones. Tackle a significant home improvement project. You probably have some projects you've been meaning to tackle but never had enough time for. Fortunately, a long weekend provides the perfect opportunity to get these things done. Choose a project that will make you feel happier and more content at home, like:

  • Decluttering and organizing your home.
  • Giving a room in your home a fresh new look.
  • Painting a room.
  • Getting some new deck furniture.
  • Building a swing set.
  • Catching up on or getting ahead in your work or school assignments.
  • Starting a garden.
  • Take care of your car.
  • Laying down stones for a new patio.



  • How can I pick the best spot for a long weekend getaway?

Choosing the perfect place for your long weekend is super important for a fun trip. Think about what you like, how much money you have, and how far you want to travel. Look up spots that match what you want, like cool history places, pretty nature spots, or exciting cities. To make this easier, here are some ideas:

  • Picking a Place: Check out travel websites, blogs, and social media to see where people like to go for long weekends. Read what they say and suggest.
  • Distance Matters: Try to find places that aren't too far away so you can spend more time relaxing and having fun.
  • Budget-Friendly Spots: Look for places that fit your budget, including where you'll stay, what you'll eat, and what you'll do.


  • What should I bring for a long weekend trip?

Packing the right stuff is important so you have everything you need without carrying too much. Here's a list of things you should bring:

  • Pack clothes that work for the weather where you're going. Layers are good in case it gets hot or cold.
  • Bring small toiletries like toothpaste, shampoo, and sunscreen.
  • Don't forget your ID, passport, tickets, and hotel info.
  • Charge your gadgets and bring chargers, power banks, and plug adapters.
  • Bring any medicine you need and a basic first-aid kit.


  • How can I stick to my budget while traveling?

You can travel without spending too much money and still have a great time. Here are some tips:

  • Plan Early
  • Eat Local
  • Use Public Transport
  • Explore Free Activities


  • Is it okay to go on trips by yourself during extended weekends?

Going on trips alone can be enjoyable, but ensuring your safety is the top priority. It's important to visit locations that have a low crime rate and receive positive feedback from people who have traveled there solo. Additionally, inform a friend or family member about your destination and your accommodation plans. Stay connected, keep your phone charged, and have important emergency contact numbers readily available.


  • What are some ways to travel in an eco-friendly way?

Taking care of the environment when you travel is important. Here are some eco-friendly things you can do:

  • Pick eco-friendly hotels or think about staying in eco-lodges and campgrounds.
  • Bring a reusable water bottle and shopping bag to use less plastic.
  • Follow Leave No Trace rules when you're in nature.


  • How can I make the most of a long weekend with limited time?

To make the most of your long weekend, you need to plan carefully:

  • Do What Matters Most: Figure out what you want to see and do and put those things first.
  • Start Early: Begin your days early to have more time to do fun stuff.
  • Stay in the Middle: Stay somewhere in the middle of the action so you don't waste time traveling.


  • What should I do if my plans change because of unexpected stuff?

When things don't go as planned while traveling, you need to be flexible:

  • Think of other things you can do if your first plan doesn't work out.
  • Consider buying travel insurance to cover cancellations or emergencies.


  • How can I keep a good balance between work and fun on long weekends?

Long weekends are a good chance to take a break. Here's how to do it: 

  • Talk to your work about when you'll be available while you're off.
  • Don't check your work emails and messages so you can enjoy your time off.


  • How can I make my long weekend special and memorable?

You should try to take pictures and write down what you do so you'll remember it all. Meet Talk to people who live there to learn about their culture.